During the last 2 years, we have been involved with the EU2020 Coroma project: a study aimed at increasing AI for the manufacturers of metal and composite parts.
This project has several actual industrial applications (for example, our own EyeT+ vision system has been perfected also thanks by some of these studies).
The three videos have been recently released by the Coroma committee and they respectively portray three different aspects of the Coroma Project research. All three video are available on out LinkedIn Page or separately on YouTube:
With ENSA (Equipos Nucleares SA), we showed part localization and path adaptation.
On the Aciturri video, we showed parts-scanning and localization, other than trajectory planning with our own EyeT+ vision system.
Finally, for shipbuilder Benetau, we focused on the vision system: in particular, we dealt with scene recognition (and seeing a PC running around the lab by itself is always a great watch).
Have a look and enjoy! Are these technologies available for your field of application? Ask us!